when this guy named Dave ask a girl if she would like to make a film with a guy named Rod Longley and then they rent a house for a day to shoot the film, and the story goes like this.
A woman is seen looking at her cable box and can't seem to get it to turn on, so she calls SPRectum cable to get a cable guy to come fix her box, so the doorbell rings and then she answers the door wearing short shorts and a tube top, and the cable guy says, "I'm here to fix your box" she says "come right in. let me show you my box"
Then he looks at her box and says "yeah, I see the problem, the input hole is too tight, all I have is a bigger cable, but I can make it fit " then she says "Are you sure it will fit my box?" and he says "yeah sure, I have fit this cable into many boxes"
but before he fixes her box he asks "It sure is hot today, would you mind if I took a shower?" and she says "sure. me and my friend will join you"