Okay, so I'm still new and trying to figure out how to post things. Is there a place on here that will show me how to post HITs like you guys do......oh, and pictures....I'd really like to post pictures......
I'm not sure what you use to find HITs, but most people seem to be using HIT Finder. From there, you can just click on the little arrow thing and export to MTurk Crowd:
For images, you just find a direct link to an image that you want to post (it must end with a file extension like .gif, .png, or .jpg, etc), then click the Image button above the text box when you're making your post and insert the link there:
There is also a guide for posting images
here that goes into a bit more detail, but it deals mainly with manually inserting the IMG tags into your post. I think it's easier to just use the button.