is pushing someone off a standing platform onto a light rail train track ever justified?
asking for someone that may be standing on a light rail platform
I pulled out in front of someone today downtown.
He pulled up next to me and I made the sorry my bad gesture.
He mouthed "fuck you".
I yelled listen asshole, I admit I made a mistake that's not really cool.
He yells back louder that I'm an idiot and ran a red light. (I didn't at all)
scream that I will get out of my f'ing car right now and murder him.
Light turns green and we drive off with lots of pedestrians probably going wtf.
At this moment I realize that I am not being a good example to my son that I am giving a ride home from the brain hospital.
It's been an incredibly weird and stressful week for me and this is very out of character for me.
Push that other driver off, thanks.