and start a mailing list across the country in my spare time with my spare monies? it's not so much a local community i'm worried about but the worldwide community. I'm in a niche with my horsemanship and horse trimming theories, it isn't widely accepted. I trim my own horses feet because there is no one within a 2 hour radius i trust touching my horses feet lol. its a conundrum. I see what you're saying, it's just SM has made a lot of these things easier. There are good parts of SM. and terrible. I succumb to the terrible.Maybe you should print the things you find for them on an 8.5x11 piece of cheap paper and hand it to them. You could call it something crazy like a newsletter. Be the change you want to see.
I'm just playing now.
I had cut SM way down until I got a crush on someone. I think SM is most toxic to close relationships.