Was pretty sick all day yesterday and got nothing useful done. Did manage to get four monitors up today, that 3-monitor mount was annoyingly inadequate and I ended up with a very wonky setup using two monitor mounts. The left monitor is set up high so I can look out the window more easily (that's half the reason I have the setup where it is). The new computer is still on my workbench but I just need to set up scripts and stuff now.
If I switch out the Unmountable Apple for something else, or move it down onto the desk on the lower left, I can get to 5 monitors, I think. Hopefully neither mount will break, they're both unbalanced. The other two monitors aren't on because the new computer supports 4 (or 6) monitors and this one doesn't.
I don't have the patience to work today, other than this, or the energy. Just uploading these images on my work machine (without a legion of blocker extensions and edits) reminds me of how literally unbearable the internet has become without a half-dozen accessories to block all the autoplay videos and sound, modal popups, and every other vile accessory of the web designer.