Some more examples:
When I click the "T" button, I block the whole title of the hit, that's why it doesn't show up anymore.
If I block "Easy fast hit", and someone posts "Easy! Fast hit", it will *not* be blocked.
If I block "Easy*fast*hit" and someone posts "fast easy hit", it will *not* be blocked.
If I block "*easy*", any hit that contains the word "easy" will be blocked.
If I block "*easy*fast*", any hit that contains easy THEN fast, will be blocked. IE "Easy fast hit" will be bocked, "Easy! Fast! Hit!" will be blocked, "Easy survey, should only take 3-4 minutes unless you're faster" *will* be blocked, because "easy" is followed by "fast". However, "Fast easy hit" will *not* be blocked, because "easy" is not followed by "fast"
You have to be careful with wildcards, because if you block "*transcription*", you can block a hit that says something like "Not a transcription, do a survey for science!"
Also, if you block a word, it can match *partially* with another word. For example, blocking "*fast*" is different than blocking "* fast *". *fast* will match with faster, but * fast * will not.