Pricing help and sending worker to other site to complete task


New Member
Dec 31, 2019
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I am hoping to create an assignment where I send workers to another site to use a custom lookup tool. The task is to read a handwritten record of a persons name, address and zip; and to see if that person appears on a large list.

From experience I know some people write very badly. So badly that the only way I can lookup them up is if I use a custom tool. The tool has First name, Last name, Street Address and Zip fields. Typing the characters that can actually be read from the handwriting in the tool's fields causes a list to be displayed and filtered in real time. Like I could type first name "Bobby" and street named "Main"; and then the tool would show records with first name "Bobby" that are on streets named "Main".

With the list it is so much easier to determine if the handwriting record matches anyone on the list. If it matches a box is checked to it on the list. If it does not match they check another box.

Can anyone tell me if this type of task would be possible? How much do you think each record lookup should be worth? And is there any particular guides or terms I could search on the topic of workers completing task on a different site?

Thank you!
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Dec 8, 2019
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SteveGlassaton @SteveGlassaton
It would be very possible to do this type of hit, and should be relatively easy to set up in MTurk, if you have an csv or excel database.

Workers are resourceful; most crucial would be your communication on exactly what you wanted, with a workable site, at a fair price.

The success of this project would largely depend on the functionality of the database. If it was a comprehensive site, with good functionality, and quick browser load times, you would probably be able to do batches for 0.05 or 0.10 per search. Having a functional hit would be even more important than pricing to many experienced workers.

Even a closed-access Google Sheets based database would be usable with proper instructions, as this is very basic information.
I would also limit the geographic scope of workers to the US, for native English speakers to read your instructions most carefully.

If it was limited to a couple pieces of information, such as the turker only writing "Bobby" and "main", and checking a box, it would probably be similar in times to batches that take under 20 seconds to enter. I would charge 0.05 for this.

If the database required more typing, 5 entries or such, and quick visual confirmation, I would do 0.10 per hit.

If you keep the hourly rate above $9, you turn green on many Mturk addons and suites, and should have no problem finding people to do batches of it.

At those rates, they would be done quickly, and you'd likely have no problem finishing up your project quite quickly.

Hope this helps, and Happy New Year!
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New Member
Dec 31, 2019
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SteveGlassaton @SteveGlassaton
It would be very possible to do this type of hit, and should be relatively easy to set up in MTurk, if you have an csv or excel database.

Workers are resourceful; most crucial would be your communication on exactly what you wanted, with a workable site, at a fair price.

The success of this project would largely depend on the functionality of the database. If it was a comprehensive site, with good functionality, and quick browser load times, you would probably be able to do batches for 0.05 or 0.10 per search. Having a functional hit would be even more important than pricing to many experienced workers.

Even a closed-access Google Sheets based database would be usable with proper instructions, as this is very basic information.
I would also limit the geographic scope of workers to the US, for native English speakers to read your instructions most carefully.

If it was limited to a couple pieces of information, such as the turker only writing "Bobby" and "main", and checking a box, it would probably be similar in times to batches that take under 20 seconds to enter. I would charge 0.05 for this.

If the database required more typing, 5 entries or such, and quick visual confirmation, I would do 0.10 per hit.

If you keep the hourly rate above $9, you turn green on many Mturk addons and suites, and should have no problem finding people to do batches of it.

At those rates, they would be done quickly, and you'd likely have no problem finishing up your project quite quickly.

Hope this helps, and Happy New Year!
Thank you. That is super helpful. I am just now learning about MT addons since signing up for the fourm, so thank you for that tip. Happy New Years!