Title: Make decisions and earn money!(~ 30 minutes) |
Requester: Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory [A3THLDS04Q4UJO]
TurkerView: [ $19.27
/ hour ]
Description: In this study you are asked to make multiple repeated DECISIONS IN A 3-PERSON GROUP regarding an investment and your reasons for your decisions. You will receive a fixed payment of $3 for participating. In addition, you will receive a bonus payment based on the points you accumulate with your group AT THE END OF THE EXPERIMENT. The points you accumulated will be converted to dollars at a rate of 1 points = $0.04, which will result in a bonus of up to $4. This means that you may get UP TO $7, IF YOU FINISH THE EXPERIMENT SUCCESSFULLY WITH ALL YOUR GROUP MEMBERS. The study will take about 30 minutes to complete when all the group members are attentive and do the task without interruptions. Because this is a group experiment, you must be aware of the following: 1) You will enter a waiting room and it may take up to 10 minutes to form a 3-player group. If a group cannot be formed after 10 minutes, DO NOT ENTER A COMPLETION CODE. We will pay you $.50 through a Compensation HIT after verifying your wait time. 2) All group members MUST PAY FULL UNDIVIDED ATTENTION to this study. If any of the group members fails to respond, ALL the group members may be affected. 3) If any of the group members quits the study, none of the group members will receive the bonus payment. Individuals that are responsible and execute the task but are affected by other player’s behavior WILL RECEIVE THE BASE PAYMENT. THE INDIVIDUAL IN THE TEAM THAT QUITS THE STUDY WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY PAYMENT AND WILL BE REJECTED. This study is conducted by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University. For more information, contact
ddmlab@andrew.cmu.edu. IMPORTANT: 1) Complete the study without delay. 2) DO NOT open study link in a private window. Using a private/incognito window MAY INVALIDATE YOUR PAYMENT. 3) Your attention will be checked at some point during the study. Failing this attention check, WILL INVALIDATE YOUR PAYMENT. 4) You may participate only once. Duplicate entries WILL INVALIDATE YOUR PAYMENT.
Duration: 60 Min
Available: 5
Reward: $3.00
- Exc: [-1484877875-240805] DoesNotExist
- Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- SurveyGroup [4060] DoesNotExist
- CR Research Group #2 DoesNotExist
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 90
- CR Research Group #1 GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- Location In US