Title: Participate in a real-time interactive study and receive $1.00 base pay (plus up to $1.00 bonus) | PANDA
Requester: Christilene du Plessis [A3TP9STR90YQLZ]
TurkerView: [ $16.75 / hour ]
Description: Participate in a real-time interactive study and receive $1.00 base pay (plus up to $1.00 bonus). Please only participate ONCE!
Duration: 60 Min
Available: 5
Reward: $1.00
Requester: Christilene du Plessis [A3TP9STR90YQLZ]
TurkerView: [ $16.75 / hour ]
Description: Participate in a real-time interactive study and receive $1.00 base pay (plus up to $1.00 bonus). Please only participate ONCE!
Duration: 60 Min
Available: 5
Reward: $1.00
- Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 500
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 97
- Location EqualTo US