I'm alive and I have hope that things will get better in the long run as long as I focus on myself and try not to focus on people who don't care about me.
A very wise man once told me, you only have control of one person in this universe and that is yourself. If you have no control of another person, you can't live your life worrying about what others do or say. Obviously you have some control over children and possibly a little control over a spouse, but the point is do you.
Cat always with the wisdom. I'm having a rough time too
@PeachyRider -- just this weekend I had to cut some friends out from my life because they just consistently did things that contributed to me feeling like shit. I don't want to say that
they made me feel like shit, because only I have control over my emotions, but I definitely deserve better friends than that. Over the past 5 years, I've had to cut out family as well -- father and sister -- due to their toxic personalities and behaviors.
Some people might say it's dramatic or whatever, but this life is too fucking short to spend time with people that consistently leave you feeling crappy. Hope you start doing better man. You ever look into medicine? Like
@ChristopherASA said, it's a physical, chemical imbalance that is in play as well most likely.