Pippa 2016 Year in Review
I upped my turking game by joining here last January.
Turned the big 40 which turns out isn't really that big but it did get me a trip to the beach.
My son graduated from highschool and I bawled
My then future son in law graduated from college.
My daughter got married and I bawled some more.
Went on a trip to NY with my hubs.
Took my daughter to the beach for her 21st birthday.
Went to tGatlinburg with some other couples for a weekend trip.
We just took a trip to Disney World for Christmas with our adult kids.
Finally we spent the last part of the year in Memphis with family as we laid my father in law to rest and spent time healing as a family.
I am sharing this with you all because 1. I am proud of all that I had accomplished in this past year and 2. That without MTurk alot of what I was able to do would have not been possible. If I can do it so can you!
I am reminded that every year is different with a different set of circumstances and there is no telling what this year holds, but my plan is to make the most of each day and that when the day is done and I lay my head on my pillow I can sleep well knowing that I lived it well.
I have had a lot of ups and downs in my life and probably shouldn't even be here to type these words but because I am I hope that what I say has value and leaves people better than I found them.
Blessing to you all and I hope that this year brings you all great things.