Title: A survey about health care policy (~3 mins) | PANDA
Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester
Requester: David Ciuk [ASH2EGNJZOQKB] (Contact)
TO 1: [Pay: 3.59] [Fast: 5.00] [Comm: 3.67] [Fair: 5.00] [Reviews: 39] [ToS: 0]
TO 2: Not Available
Description: A short survey about health care policy, should take between 2.5 and 3.5 minutes
Time: 15 minutes
HITs Available: 1
Reward: $0.45
Qualifications: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; Location EqualTo US;
HIT exported from Mturk Suite v1.21.6
there must be different versions.1 min
mine took 12 minutes and 40 seconds.
would have expired if I wasn't such a fast reader.