Researcher Profile
This study is hosted by
Chung Yen Looi
Study Description
Participant Information Sheet
Emotion recognition and wellbeing study
You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether you wish to take part and remember that your participation is voluntary.
What is this study about?
This study intends to examine the effects of emotion recognition on mental wellbeing in an ecologically valid way (i.e. outside the laboratory setting). It will assess the effect that training has on emotion recognition over a period of three weeks.
What will you have to do?
5 sessions over 3 weeks, ~120 minutes in total, for ~£12.25
You will need to complete 5 sessions over a 3 week period - Complete your first session to reserve a place in the study. Sessions 1-4 are completed in your first week (Session 4 is completed one week after Session 1) and Session 5 is completed ~3 weeks after your first sign up. Sessions 1, 4 and 5 include a chance to win additional money (up to £3), which will be included in your reward. You will only be paid on completion of all 5 sessions. The schedule below shows how much time each session will take, but see 'Further information' for more details of all the tasks. The study is best performed in full-screen mode, so please press F11 before you begin.
- Session 1: 35 mins of questionnaires, an emotion recognition task and a button-pressing task
- Session 2 & 3: 10 mins of emotion recognition task
- Session 4: 35 mins of questionnaires, an emotion recognition task and a button-pressing task
- Session 5: 35 mins of questionnaires, an emotion recognition task, a button-pressing task and user experience questionnaire. We will send you a reminder 3 weeks after you complete Session 1
IMPORTANT: The website used to run the study should be smooth and responsive. If you find that everything is moving slowly or seems buggy, please read the Troubleshooting section.
IMPORTANT: If the study is running really slowly on your computer we recommend that you do not continue and withdraw your submission, so that your time is not wasted.
IMPORTANT: You will need a device with a keyboard to complete this study
IMPORTANT: The website supports the latest versions of Safari, Chrome and Firefox, and has been tested on Edge and IE10 + . Please contact us if you have any issues.
To take part in the study, you will need to confirm that you are:
- over 18 years of age
- have English as your first language
- and have not consumed alcohol within the last 12 hours
What is your reward?
You will receive £10 for completing all 5 sessions, and have a chance to win up to £3 extra as a reward from the button pressing task.
Further information
In this study, you will be asked to complete the following:
- Daily stress questionnaire: rate the level of stress that you feel for each item on the list
- Health questionnaire: rate your quality of health
- Quality of life questionnaire: rate your life satisfaction and enjoyment
- Anxiety questionnaire: rate the level of your anxiety
- Mood questionnaire: rate your mood at the time on a scale
- Emotion recognition task: view a series of faces and identify whether the emotion shown is 'happy' or 'sad'
- Mood questionnaire: rate your mood at the time on a scale
- Behaviour task: make a series of choices on whether to do a 'hard' or 'easy' task to earn virtual money. This task involves button pressing, and 2 of your winning trials will be selected to earn you additional real money.
- User experience survey: answer a few questions to help us improve our research
All of these tasks will be presented online and instructions on what to do and how to respond are provided throughout the study.
This study has been given ethical approval by the Research Ethics Committee of University of Bristol (53001). No risks or adverse effects have been identified, and no personal identifying information will be available to researchers unless you choose to provide it.
If you have any questions about the research, feel free to contact us before starting the study. You are free to withdraw from the study at any time without giving reason for doing so, however, you will only be reimbursed for your time if you complete all 5 sessions.
You can withdraw by simply closing the browser and not continuing with the study. If you would like us to delete any data you have submitted until that point, please let us know by sending a message on Prolific Academic, or if you prefer via email.
Open Data
When this study is finished, we will analyse the data and write a research paper with intent to publish it in a scientific journal. We intend to publish in an Open Access journal (will mean that anyone (including members of the public) will be able to read the paper online, for free.
Alongside Open Access publishing comes the idea of Open Data, which means that the dataset from the study is made publicly available so that other scientists across the world can download the dataset and conduct their own analyses, allowing them to decide for themselves whether our conclusions are valid. Too take part in this study, we ask your consent that the data be made open once the study is completed. All the data will be anonymised and Prolific IDs will be removed so that it will not be possible to identify you from this dataset. This anonymised data may also be used for purposes not related specifically to this study
If you consent, you agree to the University of Bristol keeping and processing the information that you have provided during the study. Your consent is conditional on the University complying with its duties and obligations under the Data Protection Act.
IF everything is running REALLY slowly and you're using Chrome:
Type chrome://settings/ into the URL bar, then go to Advanced -> System is "Use hardware acceleration where available". Make sure it's ticked! Most browsers have this enabled by default, but a couple of people have had trouble. Then refresh the page and it should all work!
IF everything is running REALLY slowly and you're not using Chrome:
If you are really keen to take part, then it's worth trying other browsers such as Chrome or Firefox. However, don't feel you have to. If the website is really slow, then please don't waste your time continuing, as the data will not be valid if the site is not running at full speed and I will be unable to reimburse you. It shouldn't take much more than 30 minutes to complete this session.
The software on which this experiment runs is newly developed. As such, you may experience bugs, failures or other strange things. If your testing is prevented by any such problems, then we will reimburse you fairly. We would also really appreciate your feedback on what worked and what didn’t, and whether any instructions were unclear or incorrect. Please contact us with any queries using the Prolific Messenger or if you prefer, via email.
If you have any questions about the study, please contact us using Prolific Messenger or at Thank you!