You've been bonused because you are awesome and to get your attention!
The audio quality from your completed recordings from our (20170223_en_US) HIT are good and we would like to invite you to our new long-term HIT that lasts 52 weeks (once per week for 52 weeks starting Friday 7/7, titled: Adapt2.0).
This long-term weekly HIT is actually the same thing over and over again (sorry for the tedium); the same phrases and mostly the same sentences with an occasional update to the sentences--but basically it will be recording the same phrases each week. We need the same speaker repeating the phrases over and over, throughout the year.
Important Requirements:
- Commit to completing this HIT weekly as much as possible! We understand you have a life and are busy, but as much as possible, once the hit is up please make sure to complete the weekly HIT before the next hit is up (the first of 52 HITs for Adapt2.0 begins Friday 7/7).
- DO NOT change your microphone. From your last recording with us; your microphone and mic implementation setting were ideal and we do not want you to change anything for this weekly HIT. Keep recording with the same setup and sound environment (only your voice, no other background noises/speech, etc.).
Thought this was a joke at first. I have a potato mic.