Do you remember the first time you heard of Amazon Mechanical Turk? How about when someone asked you what exactly it is you do? I’ll bet you can see where we’re headed with this.
For this challenge, we want you to imagine that an alien just received their approval email from Amazon to begin turking. This poor and/or evil alien has no idea where to begin, and has luckily stumbled upon MTC aka the best forum ever. You get the following frantic private message asking for your help:
Hi there new friend!
I’m brand new to turking and see your name pop up on MTC a lot. I’m really hoping you’ll find it in your heart to assist me. I have a list of inquiries about this job. I’m not really sure what I’m doing, or even what this mechanical turking thing is about. Can you shed some light by answering the questions below for me?
- What exactly is a turker?
- What does a turker do on an average day?
- Is there a special set of skills I need?
- What are hits? Is that something to do with mafia?
- I saw some people mention surgery videos, what is this? Are we training to be doctors, because that would be so cool!
- Is there a dress code or uniform I need to buy?
- Who do I submit my work schedule availability to? I want to make sure the turking supervisor gives me some hours.
- Do we have co-workers? Will it be noisy?
- What is your favorite part of turking?
- What do you least enjoy about turking?
- Anything I should avoid doing? I don’t want to make a bad impression!
Talk soon,
Alf E.T. Borg
Your mission:
- Work with your tribe to compose a reply, making sure to answer all of the questions. Your responses don’t need to be completely serious so feel free to take creative liberty, but please keep it family friendly.
- Everyone on your tribe should contribute to at least one answer. We’ll be using executions to enforce this.
- Your responses to the Alien email will be due Thursday, March 14th by 9 pm est.
- Pick one person on your tribe to pm your submission to both
@Vanyanka and
@scrmcasey. We will then hold a forum vote to determine the winner that will be announced on Saturday evening.
- Sign up for the next challenge and we will have fun all over again.
- Please no campaigning. To keep this fair to everyone playing, we will keep submissions anonymous for voting.
This week, we are starting strong out the gate with five tribes. Please check out who your fellow tribe members are below and help this poor and/or diabolical alien turker out.
Tribe 1 -

Tribe 2 -

Tribe 3 -

Tribe 4 -

Tribe 5 - T @theturkscribe,

Helpful Tip: During previous seasons, we have found that many players enjoy starting a Discord chat to help coordinate brainstorming. You can also start a group pm if you prefer.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask in this thread. This is

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