I've been warning about this for a while. The constant arms race to build bigger and better panda and scraper scripts for mass consumption has led to multiple changes in response to the constant deluge of page requests assaulting the system. Such as the advent of throttling, and the tighter PRE timing.
You'll need to adjust the way you turk in the immediate to go back to a more analog mode like it was before until you see what, if anything, is going to happen. No more running pandas endlessly trying to catch surveys. Slow your scraper down or turn it off entirely. Adjust your workflow to be less automated, start the war machine up in bursts and then shut it back down again.
Diversify your revenue stream... nothing like mturk should ever be your only source, that is begging for disaster to hit, especially with how uncertain the status of your account has always been with the random suspensions. Do work on more sites... get a part time job... start an etsy store... whatever.