Title: MC-2S HQ | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Rev [AZE20S8O1FKSG] (Contact) TO 1: Not Available TO 2: Not Available Description: Compare quality of two automated speech-to-text transcripts Time: 10 minutes HITs Available: 1 Reward: $0.10 Qualifications: None; |
Title: MC-1S HQ 3 | PANDA Worker: Preview | Accept | Requester Requester: Rev [AZE20S8O1FKSG] (Contact) TO 1: Not Available TO 2: Not Available Description: Compare quality of two automated speech-to-text transcripts Time: 10 minutes HITs Available: 1 Reward: $0.10 Qualifications: None; |
Instant AA.