I'm still not sure I can even properly encompass what I am truly thankful for this year, because it's been a strange year for me.
My farm owners/dear friends Tom and Elise. They are a couple my parents age without children, but have always been ultra supportive of me, including monetarily. Even before my world went in the shitter in May, in April they took me to ride my horse with some bigshots in Florida. Experience of a lifetime. They support me every.single.step of the way. I already work my horse's board off with chores 3 days a week (and then some) and I trim their 3 horse's feet, and honestly whatever else I can do for them. They have also absorbed all of Shadow's vet fees this year, and even extras like Chiro visits. Because of them, I will NEVER be stuck homeless, horseless or dogless.
Close friends. Holy crap. One on here is
@DareAngel3 and YES I am calling her out, because she is who got me into turking and this forum, but we have been internets friends for like....I don't even know how many years. Too many. She is my constant, non-judging supportive sounding board almost any time of the day. My current roommates, making me and my dog welcome even though they don't need help paying rent. They've seen me through some ugly shit this summer and fall, but keep me going and support me through everything. I have a couple other great friends, always there to talk even if too busy.
My dog. Eff. Reveille is my everything. If I didn't have her to cuddling in bed with and care for, I don't know how I would've existed. She keeps me going . you can only sit still and be depressed but so long when you're needy dog needs to exercise!
My horse, Shadow. Another thing that keeps me honest and moving and motivated to do anything because I can't neglect him. And he's really cute.
My cats, even though they don't currently love me, because I don't currently feed them.
My coworkers - I have some understanding as shit people there I can call family.
Turking - I am broke as fuck. This helps.
THIS FORUM. Ok, unexpected how awesome this forum has been. I couldn't tag everyone ever, but one of the first to stand out was
@Jerami because I was having a panic attack and somehow no one was answering their phones, but he messaged with me.
So many others now too!
@Evergreen Queen
@PeachyRider (makes me laugh)
and more I am sure sorry if I don't tag you !