I should also say, I'm something of an idealist. I'm also a misanthrope, because any real idealist who sees what people are doing when they could be doing so much more is bound to start hating those very people they love (which is to say all people). But I'm also someone who takes pride in his ability to look at a situation and give a reasonable projection. So when I'm saying all of this, I understand that it can seem "pie in the sky," but given that a lot of things that I've considered in the past have happened more or less as considered, I don't say these kinds of things lightly. And I say them with the *absolute hope* that it turns out better than I expect, and that *even more* people benefit than I hope. I mean, FFS, my sole blood brother on my father's side lives in the boondocks. I don't want my family living in a backwards area. He loves rural areas, but I know that he'd want everything that the big cities have...so I say this fully hoping that people like my brother, in his 4 square block town, can have gigabit service in a few years. I prefer to be positively realistic that unnecessarily negative.