We found a cheap projector for $70 on Amazon last year on prime day, and found a 120" screen on ebay for $19 after an ebay coupon. Haven't been to the movies since lol.
I may have been unclear in my post, but I wasn't basing anything off of the HITs being approved. I was saying that even though they approved with me using an iPhone for all of the website ones, that I am going to use the broken android phone (that I used for the App HITs,) for the website ones in the future. I was trying to say that I think as long as I am actually using an android phone to complete the HITs, I believe that satisfies what they are looking for.
I'm just using my computer to display the phone display, and allow me to use my trackpad in place of the phone touchscreen, as the screen is almost impossible to read from, and does not properly register touches. I have the screen size set to the same size as the actual phone, when displayed on my mac. The main point of my post was that I agree with everyone who has been saying over the last day, that it isn't worth it to chance it by using an iPhone. Yes, all of the HITs I did were approved, but regardless, the points that everyone made were valid, and I was chiming in to say that I'll be using my android setup for all Tej HITs now. Sorry for the confusion, and thanks to everyone who participated in the discussion about this all last night