Title: English paraphrasing | Accept Requester: Mobisocial Research Group [A4O41SE6LFDX6] Contact TV: [Hrly: $12.67] [Pay: 3.40] [Fast: 5.00] [Comm: null] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Blk: 0] TO: [Pay: 2.78] [Fast: 4.00] [Comm: 3.00] [Fair: 4.00] [Reviews: 11] [ToS: 0] TO2: [Hrly: $5.00] [Pen: 1.00 days] [Res: 0% of 1] [Rec: 0% of 1] [Rej: 1] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0] Reward: $1.50 Duration: 30 minutes Available: 10 Description: Paraphrase the given sentences which are auto-generated by a computer Requirements: Masters Exists; Location EqualTo US [tr][td] HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.1.17 |
$8.92 best day all week, but I haven't worked all week and only have been really trying for about 30 minutesPE $175.19
Best day in a year, of course I was gone for a year, but still
Right? The cookies that are now in my browser would tell a helluva contradictory story (and quite concerning).I'm pretty sure Zoltars are gonna get me put on some sort of government watch list with the sites they're sending me to.
$8.92 best day all week, but I haven't worked all week and only have been really trying for about 30 minutes
I have no motivation at all
oh what breed?I pick up my puppy in a few hours I’m so excited
Chihuahuaoh what breed?
We wanted to be nice and save them all for youWhen did vascos drop/ why aren’t people doing them?
Lol they must really stinkWe wanted to be nice and save them all for you
I did some, I'm surprised they're still available. Went up at least 30 minutes agoWhen did vascos drop/ why aren’t people doing them?
They don't look too terrible but a bit more than I want to mess with at the moment.Lol they must really stink
Thanks Zolties and vascosI did some, I'm surprised they're still available. Went up at least 30 minutes ago
#Roadto1000568 over here.
Been a rough several months.
How many you got Tokyo pants?#Roadto1000