Title: Survey on Everyday Life | Accept Requester: Melissa Ferguson [A2I54KMUO0REDM] Contact TO: [Pay: 3.36] [Fast: 4.95] [Comm: 4.17] [Fair: 4.92] [Reviews: 182] [ToS: 0] TO2: [Hrly: $7.73] [Pen: ---] [Res: ---] [Rec: 100% of 1] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0] Reward: $0.50 Duration: 1 hour Available: 2 Description: Tell us your thoughts on some aspects of everyday life. Requirements: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 1000; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 97; Location EqualTo US [tr][td] HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.2.2 |
Sometimes. 90% of the time, you get nothing back. 9% of the time, they reply and say some variation of, "Well, that's all I can pay so if you don't like it, don't do it." 1% of the time, they reply and say some variation of, "Oh, I had no idea! Wow! I'll talk to my advisor!"When you see a survey like this, does anyone ever contract the requestor to tell them how wrong they have got it?
Best input I've had. Thankee!i am not totally sure. but I have not seen any indication that it does, and I have a ton of interies
When you see a survey like this, does anyone ever contract the requestor to tell them how wrong they have got it?
Title: Impression Formation(~ 20 minutes) | Accept Requester: Ari Rosenblum [A3HA98USUD6VR6] Contact TV: No Reviews TO: No Reviews TO2: No Reviews Reward: $3.00 Duration: 1 hour Available: 11 Description: Respondents will make judgements about face-voice pairs and answer questions about themselves Requirements: Exc: [-1325533892-81945] DoesNotExist; Location In US [tr][td] HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.2.2 |
Title: [3 min task] Answer questions about multiple 15 second videos. | Accept Requester: AI Indoors Project [A2NYDPWAEAO5NE] Contact TO: [Pay: 3.09] [Fast: 3.80] [Comm: 4.00] [Fair: 4.67] [Reviews: 32] [ToS: 0] TO2: [Hrly: $18.00] [Pen: 4.00 days] [Res: 100% of 1] [Rec: 100% of 1] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0] Reward: $0.40 Duration: 20 minutes Available: 70 Description: Answer questions about the activities of people in videos. Requirements: Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 1000; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 98; Location EqualTo US; Automatic low quality ban DoesNotExist [tr][td] HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.2.2 |
im sleepy. can someone post the top 5 batches up right now.
Title: $12 academic survey about personality with possibility of further highly paid HITS | Accept Requester: Boston College Economics [A1Z7BWRN8HSED4] Contact TV: No Reviews TO: No Reviews TO2: No Reviews Reward: $12.00 Duration: 1 day Available: 3 Description: This survey pays $12 and is the first part of a two part research. By properly completing this survey you will be invited to the second part of the study for which you can earn up to $16 per hour. This research is done by researchers from Boston College. Requirements: None [tr][td] HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.2.2 |
Title: Preference Test American English Text-to-Speech, sp_or-hz (5-04-2018) | Accept Requester: Amazon Requester Inc. - RVD Team [A116XPE56JVGXQ] Contact TV: [Hrly: $8.42] [Pay: 2.62] [Fast: 5.00] [Comm: null] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Blk: 0] TO: [Pay: 3.14] [Fast: 4.38] [Comm: 3.36] [Fair: 4.51] [Reviews: 78] [ToS: 3] TO2: [Hrly: $1.60] [Pen: 1.04 days] [Res: ---] [Rec: 50% of 2] [Rej: 0] [ToS: 0] [Brk: 0] Reward: $0.03 Duration: 1 hour Available: 33 Description: Preference test: Choose which audio sounds better to you. If one audio is better than the other, please also try to assess the degree to which it sounds better. Requirements: Location EqualTo US [tr][td] HIT exported from Mturk Suite v2.2.2 |
a big batch of $0.00 HITs would be par for the course this week...lolDamn, saw this and got excited for a second.
God damn it, @ducky. Last time I ever buy from you.aw it's just duckweed ...
a terribly invasive species of plant...