Everyone is to a certain amount I suppose. But we can be that way against our relatives too. My mother did her best to teach me not to judge by skin color. My father, old German that he was, always talked about how he didn't want to be around certain people so she could have done it to spite him. But never the less I'm glad she did. She had a friend who was a partner i guess is the polite way to say it of a childhood friend of dad's. She was black, we are white. The lady and I mean that in the purest sense, brought water to us when we had a terrible flood one year. They had been at our home for a picnic and made it home before the water got them. As soon as they could get out they brought us water to drink since the well water was deemed unfit at the moment. That lady died at the early age of 38 of a stroke. They called my mom. She cried. I never forgot that.