I personally didn't receive any rejections, and I did 15 of her hits. That being said, I know she gave out a lot of rejections and may be unaware of how this affects people. Even in her qual, she said we had to have 60% of the hits to receive the qual. So unlike most requesters that would still accept the work people put in, but then just not give the qual, she would just straight reject what she didn't like. She could lighten up on the rejections or at least give people a chance to fix things. I don't think it's inappropriate at all to point out her TO, and tell her that people may not work on her stuff because of the rejections and bad communication. I did email her once asking a question about how to do the hit correctly, and she replied and was very nice. I know other people did not receive any replies, or got rude ones back though. Maybe she doesn't understand how serious rejections are and communication. I may send her an email too. Even though I had a good experience with her, ya'll haven't, and she needs to know!So, out of curiosity, is there anyone who completed a largenumber of hits for Rose CMU who did not catch a higher rejection rate than average, or had 0 rejections after working dozens of them? I think the majority of us are used to risking rejections somewhat, and we can accept when we do stupid stuff. The problem comes in when a requester is rejecting work and then not leaving any feedback regarding what was wrong with the work, not offering to help resolve it, and then expecting to post thousands of hits more and for people to risk more rejections on them. I am personally not willing to risk my breathing room, or what little is left of it now, to complete her hits.
Would it be innapropriate to send her the link to her TO reviews, explain that she is scaring away her worker base and that by not reaching out and establishing a good turker/requester relationship with communication flowing both ways, her future research will likely come to a halt. Most of us, are not likely to continue doing batches with the foreknowledge that rejections are to be expected. I'm trying to figure out how to diplomatically phrase this while reaching out.
Sorry if that's a big block of texts that don't make sense, my brain is going a million miles per hour at the moment because I accidentally drank 5 cups of coffee.