I'm sorry, that sounds awful. Lucky him that he's got you, though. And it does make complete sense. I hope things get better for you guys.
It is what it is, but thank you. I have worked with people with traumatic brain injuries for years, and everyone is different. Some people are able to cope and remain the same, others get a sense of inspiration, they become better people than they were before. It is quite a sight to see someone who was a healthy vibrant person come in and have to learn how to live again, and they have the greatest outlook and embrace every opportunity. Other people get sick and they stew in it. They can't live in the now because they are so afraid of tomorrow. I have learned that life threw him the curveball and not me, being a team ends when your team mate decides to take the bench. Don't get me wrong, he is very ill, but I hope I would be a better person while ill, if that makes sense. I love him, but I had to start being a little selfish, my life was passing me by. LSS, he won't go out because of the wheelchair and equipment tied to him, but I'd rather go to that concert and cart that stuff, just to share the memory.