It's even worse, because now the league is set up to cater to conservatives IE: having rules where players have to stand for the anthem, etc. They're actively making a marketing push towards those disaffected by the NFL's perceived lack of patriotism.
Additionally, they aren't doing custom names on jerseys, no weird rules, etc. that at least made the first version unique.
A good thing they've done is hire Oliver Luck as commissioner, he's a good football mind. And Vince is simply a silent investor who will have nothing to do with operations and will only occassionally appear to speak about the league, whereas last time he made the league about himself.
Some issues: 1) Dick Ebersol (Vince's partner in the original XFL)'s son is starting a league that starts a year earlier, the AAF, so the XFL will be having trouble competing for players. 2) The new XFL will crack down and not allow players with criminal histories "of any kind - including a DUI" - so any chance of getting stars like Karim Hunt, etc. is out the window. 3) All but one of the teams will play in existing NFL markets. 4) Most of the teams will play in stadiums that are WAY too large (one will play in the Seahawks stadium, MetLife Stadium, etc). They should be playing in soccer or baseball stadiums (soccer ideally).
It's got disaster written all over it. But, apparently Vince has put up a half a billion dollars or something insane of his own money to keep it afloat beyond the first year or two. We'll see.