I was typing up a reply to
@basketcasey, but I had to stop to work for a bit and didn't get a chance to post it there. So I'll just paste it here and I won't reply any further after this, if this discussion isn't wanted here.
I agree very much about the work focus stuff and about it feeling like Sad Pandas in the work thread, and that's kinda what I was talking about above. The forum definitely started to lean too far in that direction. The culture of shitposting that got to be so pervasive here was also a problem, I think. It distracted from the work and when new people would sign up and ask questions in the work threads, they'd be lucky to get a real answer at all because everyone would be falling over themselves trying to post stupid like-bait joke posts in response. I looked in the work thread about a month or two ago and I saw someone saying that the reason the forum died was because all of the shitposters left. If anything, I think that's what got the forum back on track and I'm glad they're mostly gone.
And you're absolutely right about the staff burning out. That was something that we had recognized very early on actually because we were really wanting to take a step back from things (we even had staff meetings about it.) The problem for us was always finding capable people that were active in the community and interested in moderating. We would post that we were looking for new staff members and only like maybe 1 person would ever show any interest at all. Besides
@jan, nobody that we added to staff since we started this forum ended up working out (they either had issues with the community/staff or they just up and left.) I know you expressed some interest in helping out, but at that point I was kinda already on my way out and I honestly did not believe the forum was going to last much longer. I was hesitant to add more staff to what I thought was a sinking ship. I tried to get a meeting together to see if we could get things on track and ensure that the forum would be able to continue, and adding more staff was going to be a part of that. But that meeting didn't really turn out to be as productive as I had hoped. At that point I was just so tired and burned out, and I didn't feel like anyone else even cared anymore (I know that's not true, but it's how I was feeling at the time), so I just left.
But for me that burnout wasn't just coming from the community or from being here for a long time.
One thing we never really talked much about openly is the issue with ownership here. We always sorta claimed that the 4 admins owned this forum, but that's wasn't exactly true. None of the admins technically owned this forum. Nearly everything was in the name of the person that maintains the server, who is a relative of Electrolyte. We never got access to the server, despite asking repeatedly to at least have some level of access, so we always had to go through him for everything. Well, at some point, he kinda just stopped having time for us. Things started to break on the forum and we would have people constantly complaining about these things not being fixed (issues with uploading avatars, the 'go to previous post' button on the quotes, etc) and all of our requests to have these things looked at would go ignored. It got to the point where he wasn't responding to any of us at all. For me personally, this led to me feeling like I no longer had any control over my own forum. I got tired of constantly having to come up with excuses for why things weren't working around here and that was a big factor in my burning out. And when Electrolyte left it seemed like we were losing our only connection to him, and that he would no longer have any reason to care about us. So honestly, I just kinda stopped caring at that point. I didn't see this situation ever getting any better, so I just left. Hell, I can't even properly step down because you need server access to remove admin rights (which none of us on staff had.) I have been off staff since early summer though, so any one of these things may have changed by now. I really don't know because I've tried to stay away and let them all do their thing.
Anyways, I'm not sure why I think any of this stuff matters. It probably doesn't. But I feel like I see comments pop up a lot lately that kinda blame a lot on the staff members just not caring or not doing enough, and that's just something that I take personally. I agree that I myself didn't do the best job, but I certainly tried. I put everything I had into this forum (and the one before it) for several years, and always tried to make every decision with as much integrity as I could. But towards the end of my time here a lot of people just made me feel like I couldn't do anything right and I ended up leaving not just the staff, but the community in general, with a very bitter taste in my mouth. So I guess I just still have a lot of things that are unsaid, and this venting kinda helps a bit. But at the end of the day, we are all human, and sometimes we just make mistakes. I'm sorry that we couldn't have done better.

This is an interesting discussion, though I'm not sure it will get us anywhere. It is nice to hear different people's viewpoints on the matter.
I'm still here occasionally, but not very often. I haven't disappeared entirely though. I don't think it boils down to a single reason either, but several. For me, one of the main reasons is the daily thread became pretty depressing/off topic. And I'm not talking about fun gifs and mini water cooler-type work breaks. I'm talking TMI personal issues, existential crises, whining and moaning, and other sorts of things that turned me off. Honestly, it felt like the daily thread had turned into a sad pandas redux thread. I get it, turking sucks. It's hard. Life's hard. I just think there is a time and place for such things, and it's not in the daily thread on an turking forum. Again, this is just my perspective as a person who is pretty private about personal matters. I just found it off-putting to log-in and see pages long serious - and often divisive - discussions going on before I'd even had my coffee.
Another reason - already mentioned by others here - is that this forum lost its work focus. I know I've taken the thread off on a tangent many times, and often ramble on, but I also turk hard and tried to balance my posting between general nonsense and work-related stuff. I felt that people who shared hits were often overlooked, which was also weird to me since it is a turking forum, after all. I even remember at one point the admins had to encourage people to like when users posted hits. I always found it weird that people never did this before. I know this is an almost impossible balance to achieve on a social site for turking. It's something I noticed, and I'm sure several others did as well.
I think TH is definitely more work-related, especially with TV now. I wouldn't say I switched entirely - the only thing I really post there are TV reviews. I haven't mingled or interacted with people as I have done here. I do think it's much more helpful for people that are serious about turking. They offer more tools, they have more activity in the daily thread, requester post there, etc.
I also just don't keep up very much with turking forums anymore. I met a ton of friends here and I'm thankful for that. It feels like most of the users I interacted with most and most of the regular users here, just moved on. So that was probably part of my interacting here less. There are always ebbs and flows to life, and turking forums apparently.
Finally, to me it felt like the mods/admins gave up and this trickled down to the members. The mods/admins here worked hard and did a largely thankless job. I don't blame them for getting burnt out on it. You can't make everyone happy, especially on the internet. But I think they handled it poorly. Most of the mods/admins seemed to check out and left the inmates to run the asylum. Then they wondered what happened to the forum? I'm not pointing fingers, but if you don't seem to care about the forum, why would anyone else? I think that they should have turned it over to different mods/admins before that point, but I understand if no one was willing to step up. I know I offered to help at one point and even suggested we keep the awards with no monetary rewards for morale, but that never happened. It just feels like they gave up, so it's no wonder why so many users followed their lead and did the same.
Excuse the rambles.
I agree very much about the work focus stuff and about it feeling like Sad Pandas in the work thread, and that's kinda what I was talking about above. The forum definitely started to lean too far in that direction. The culture of shitposting that got to be so pervasive here was also a problem, I think. It distracted from the work and when new people would sign up and ask questions in the work threads, they'd be lucky to get a real answer at all because everyone would be falling over themselves trying to post stupid like-bait joke posts in response. I looked in the work thread about a month or two ago and I saw someone saying that the reason the forum died was because all of the shitposters left. If anything, I think that's what got the forum back on track and I'm glad they're mostly gone.
And you're absolutely right about the staff burning out. That was something that we had recognized very early on actually because we were really wanting to take a step back from things (we even had staff meetings about it.) The problem for us was always finding capable people that were active in the community and interested in moderating. We would post that we were looking for new staff members and only like maybe 1 person would ever show any interest at all. Besides

But for me that burnout wasn't just coming from the community or from being here for a long time.
One thing we never really talked much about openly is the issue with ownership here. We always sorta claimed that the 4 admins owned this forum, but that's wasn't exactly true. None of the admins technically owned this forum. Nearly everything was in the name of the person that maintains the server, who is a relative of Electrolyte. We never got access to the server, despite asking repeatedly to at least have some level of access, so we always had to go through him for everything. Well, at some point, he kinda just stopped having time for us. Things started to break on the forum and we would have people constantly complaining about these things not being fixed (issues with uploading avatars, the 'go to previous post' button on the quotes, etc) and all of our requests to have these things looked at would go ignored. It got to the point where he wasn't responding to any of us at all. For me personally, this led to me feeling like I no longer had any control over my own forum. I got tired of constantly having to come up with excuses for why things weren't working around here and that was a big factor in my burning out. And when Electrolyte left it seemed like we were losing our only connection to him, and that he would no longer have any reason to care about us. So honestly, I just kinda stopped caring at that point. I didn't see this situation ever getting any better, so I just left. Hell, I can't even properly step down because you need server access to remove admin rights (which none of us on staff had.) I have been off staff since early summer though, so any one of these things may have changed by now. I really don't know because I've tried to stay away and let them all do their thing.
Anyways, I'm not sure why I think any of this stuff matters. It probably doesn't. But I feel like I see comments pop up a lot lately that kinda blame a lot on the staff members just not caring or not doing enough, and that's just something that I take personally. I agree that I myself didn't do the best job, but I certainly tried. I put everything I had into this forum (and the one before it) for several years, and always tried to make every decision with as much integrity as I could. But towards the end of my time here a lot of people just made me feel like I couldn't do anything right and I ended up leaving not just the staff, but the community in general, with a very bitter taste in my mouth. So I guess I just still have a lot of things that are unsaid, and this venting kinda helps a bit. But at the end of the day, we are all human, and sometimes we just make mistakes. I'm sorry that we couldn't have done better.