Requester Elsbeth rejection update:
Title: Labeling Stress in Social Media (WARNING: This HIT may contain adult content. Worker discretion is advised.) |
Requester: Elsbeth [A3NH052USZGIDS] (
Req TV):
Description: Decide whether the authors of social media posts are stressed or not.
Reward: $0.12
Qualifications: Social Media Stress Annotation Qualification EqualTo 1Take Test; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 95; Adult Content Qualification EqualTo 1Take Test;
Did 10, there was a cap. 1 HIT was rejected. I wrote requester immediately, offered to redo the work, asked for reversal.
Requester wrote back, with all text from the 12 cent HIT (many paragraphs), and asked me to explain my choices, which I did.
Requester reversed rejection. The main chunk of their email - "Upon review, I can now state that this HIT was rejected as spam (for which I apologize, as I do not know of any way to check your global statistics and therefore see it was not without speaking with you). This is why I appreciate your response, since it helps us to consider that the correctness metrics we supposed were universal are not. It seems you did make an honest effort to complete the work, so I will reverse the rejection. "
The global stats she's referring to are my Mturk status of 4 years now, 8 total rejections, with 67,000+ HITs approved, Masters.
What helps me get rejections reversed:
1. Immediate Mturk email to requester, very specifically offering to redo the work, directly asking for a reversal, and clearly stating I will publicly review their requester work on as many Mturk worker forums as I can. I also very clearly describe the consequence for workers, with rejections.
2. I share my Mturk stats, which are good for credibility
3. I do what they ask, if it's reasonable
4. Make it clear with every email communication, that you're writing requester reviews about this experience. I usually repeat their name a few times too.
Afterwards, I put them on my MTS block list, and am glad that I just lost a little time on this today. It could have been worse.