I didn't suggest the requester take any action based on time, only on bad/useless data. He was going to mass reject. As far as my suggestion of scamming being evident by TV showing an $80+ per hour. It think you're being overly touchy as I didn't say that TV users were the culprit, nor that TV was anything but an indicator of something fishy based on simple math($86/60min=$1.43minso @ $1.43 a minute a $10HIT would take about 7min), without making a statement on the voracity of the information, as I have no idea how the code processes avg_hourly, nor it's rate of error. I didn't realize it relied on user input or oversight, which would have made me not put any stock in the data, so I wouldn't have mentioned it, even though I only mentioned it as an aside.
I definitely didn't blame code or user maliciousness, as I don't suspect anyone. I only used the output data from the TV displayed on the HIT post for what it was, a piece of data that showed a trend. But, nobody(meaning me) looked at the TV data until the very last line, before I hit send on my last post about the topic. But, I surely, nor did the requester, "look at a completion time on TV & hop right to "scammer" i...without extra context" We only used other context. TV data didn't factor, at all.. The data from TV had literally 0(zip, ziltch) input or mention in the conversation between myself and the requester. It was an aside that I mentioned a the end because I thought, "Oh, hey, doesn't TV pull it's data without user input? It may provide us with some useful information, if we looked at it," like an average completion time, which I figured must be sort of reliable. I guess I thought it was like a golf handicap, where it didn't average too few submissions. My fault for not being a TV user.
Sorry, you took this "some way" as it really should have been clear that I was trusting TV's data and therefore it's developer, not making any sort of claim about their user base, since I assumed the overlap between TV's user set and MTC's member set. Either way, I'll just go edit the line out and add a caveat, and it can be a non-issue.
Good morning MTC!. Funny what you wake up to.