It's 60 here and delightful, but I gotta tell you my hands have been really clammy and sweaty the last few days. What's up with that? Why are my hands so damp? Is this part of global warming also?
It's 60 here and delightful, but I gotta tell you my hands have been really clammy and sweaty the last few days. What's up with that? Why are my hands so damp? Is this part of global warming also?
I hate hate hate being hot. I want it to be chilly so I have to wrap up in a snuggie and wear my little fingerless gloves. Instead I've got shorts and a sghetti shirt on and it's awful because I also hate both of those things.
On the other hand, I am eating ice cream so there is that.
Sorry, I was in the $7 movie clip survey. haha
I did let it cook, but I did not intend to cook it for an extra half hour. I mowed through all the clips and was like "Wasn't there something I was supposed to remember..?" But that's how I feel all the time.
I'm confused and guessing it's the same person or group? I mainly say this because those play a character hits were at first by Noah, but now they seem to be posted by Noah Turk. I haven't done one yet today, so I don't know if they're the exact same hit at this moment.
I'm confused and guessing it's the same person or group? I mainly say this because those play a character hits were at first by Noah, but now they seem to be posted by Noah Turk. I haven't done one yet today, so I don't know if they're the exact same hit at this moment.
So I'm bringing this up in the hopes someone can help me see this a different way: I'm pretty on the fence about the whole TV becoming a monthly sub cost thing. I know there are reasons for it becoming a paid service now, and I have no hard feelings about that.
But I still find it hard to justify spending the money primarily because I'm worried that when it's no longer free, most people aren't going to fork over the money, and therefore the number of reviews on TV is going to plummet, thus making it a less useful tool.
If I KNEW for certain that it would become the gold standard for reviews going forward, and the numbers aren't going to drop drastically once it comes time for people to pay up, I'd happily buy in. I just don't feel very confident that's going to be the case. Am I looking at this the wrong way?
As far as your main concern goes.. Since the like original original announcement in TVJS, before it even got to Forker/MTS, incoming data rates have skyrocketed. Yesterday we had 2,029 full completion time reviews. 522 return reviews. TO1's highest review day in the last month was 122. And this is basically at peak "no clue what is/isn't happening". I don't even know why half these folks are submitting stuff since there is no clearly defined parameters for doing so but better bet I'll be reaching out to them ASAP to find out what's up and why they're actually so awesome lol.
FWIW I've spent a lot of time reading papers from major review companies (some who did their studies on MTurk interestingly enough!) like Yelp (..yea, I know, shudderrrr) so this isn't some half cocked plan where I haven't considered the possibility too closed of a system would strangle itself to death. I like to joke around & anyone can judge me as much as they prefer but MTurk forum(s) are basically my social outlet so I tend to act like a normal human (for myself?) there but I do really & truly take it all seriously when I'm trying to build it all out.
There are going to be plenty of bumps along the way (because I'm a moron) and plenty of opportunities for it to blow up in failure (the world will keep spinning) but of all the things I am worried about failing regarding TV incoming data isn't really one of them. I'm pretty liberal with how often I post the data metrics too so you'll know if it is because either 1) I'll nut up and post them or 2) I'll magically go silent hahaha.
The biggest issue for me right now is honestly keeping it useful to a wildly varied group of users. Even now if you don't fall within the range of TV's average it probably looks like a pretty stupid website/system.
Can I clone you like ~50 times? That'd be swell LOL. In all seriousness I cannot be thankful enough to the huge # of folks who are just uber nice about what is obviously not an inherently popular system change. Like, I just don't really even have words for it all b/c emotions aren't my strong suit (suite?) in life but I do appreciate it a lot :ba:
i don't think the number of reviews will plummet because he gave free keys to people who had over 10 reviews, so you'll still be seeing lots of reviews from people who already reviewed a ton
There will likely always be incentives for reviewing on TV. Some will be community based but even if someone values their time I think someone would be better off dumping it into TV given the ease of access. I think people don't value their time outside the HIT frame nearly enough sometimes, but that's just my opinion ofc.
Plus there has to be some way to get folks in who don't turk nearly enough to justify dropping any money on something that is very much a convenience thing.
You can always wait and see? The website isn't going to change, so you can still go look up reviews and hourlys for requesters as needed. It's just the fancy graphics and "make your life easier" type tools that you're paying for. Give it a month and see if things are being reviewed to your liking? I've been doing it for free all along, and several thousand others have, too. But if it's not helping you earn more (ideally more than what it costs a month), than it's not necessary, anyway.
Noooo LOL. Honestly so little is going to end up behind the pay wall I suspect half the people who have been upset about it wont even notice >.> I'm also willing to bet the changes to MTS mean the entire system will be circumvented anyway so hardly anyone will ever have a clue either
Oof yeah that would make me make my decision really quick, too... is this the true true? @DareAngel3 do you know? I don't want to tag Christurk (Though maybe typing his name in will summon him anyhow) needlessly.
I hate hate hate being hot. I want it to be chilly so I have to wrap up in a snuggie and wear my little fingerless gloves. Instead I've got shorts and a sghetti shirt on and it's awful because I also hate both of those things.
On the other hand, I am eating ice cream so there is that.
Ohh yes please cool weather year round! Though atm we have an ice storm warning until tomorrow morning. Anywhere from 1/4 to an inch of ice. It started off sounding like it was sleeting but now just sounds like rain.