I'm wildly biased, so you can take my POV with a grain of salt, but when I discussed it with long-timers I view it this way:
As far as your main concern goes.. Since the like original original announcement in TVJS, before it even got to Forker/MTS, incoming data rates have skyrocketed. Yesterday we had 2,029 full completion time reviews. 522 return reviews. TO1's highest review day in the last month was 122. And this is basically at peak "no clue what is/isn't happening". I don't even know why half these folks are submitting stuff since there is no clearly defined parameters for doing so but better bet I'll be reaching out to them ASAP to find out what's up and why they're actually so awesome lol.Log in or register now. to view Spoiler content!
FWIW I've spent a lot of time reading papers from major review companies (some who did their studies on MTurk interestingly enough!) like Yelp (..yea, I know, shudderrrr) so this isn't some half cocked plan where I haven't considered the possibility too closed of a system would strangle itself to death. I like to joke around & anyone can judge me as much as they prefer but MTurk forum(s) are basically my social outlet so I tend to act like a normal human (for myself?) there but I do really & truly take it all seriously when I'm trying to build it all out.
There are going to be plenty of bumps along the way (because I'm a moron) and plenty of opportunities for it to blow up in failure (the world will keep spinning) but of all the things I am worried about failing regarding TV incoming data isn't really one of them. I'm pretty liberal with how often I post the data metrics too so you'll know if it is because either 1) I'll nut up and post them or 2) I'll magically go silent hahaha.
The biggest issue for me right now is honestly keeping it useful to a wildly varied group of users. Even now if you don't fall within the range of TV's average it probably looks like a pretty stupid website/system.
Can I clone you like ~50 times? That'd be swell LOL. In all seriousness I cannot be thankful enough to the huge # of folks who are just uber nice about what is obviously not an inherently popular system change. Like, I just don't really even have words for it all b/c emotions aren't my strong suit (suite?) in life but I do appreciate it a lot :ba:
There will likely always be incentives for reviewing on TV. Some will be community based but even if someone values their time I think someone would be better off dumping it into TV given the ease of access. I think people don't value their time outside the HIT frame nearly enough sometimes, but that's just my opinion ofc.
Plus there has to be some way to get folks in who don't turk nearly enough to justify dropping any money on something that is very much a convenience thing.
Wait if you're doing it for free where has all the money I've been paying@A6_Foul_Out been going?
Noooo LOL. Honestly so little is going to end up behind the pay wall I suspect half the people who have been upset about it wont even notice >.> I'm also willing to bet the changes to MTS mean the entire system will be circumvented anyway so hardly anyone will ever have a clue either
I think you have to throw my name at the start of the post or@Tjololo bot doesn't pick it up sorrry
ETA: I swear to heaven one day I will come make a normal, 1 sentence long post instead of a book. Smaller font size please.
I jumped on the early bird train and I don't regret it in the least. I really love how easily I can see everything at a glance and how I can easily go back and review something I have done via the TurkerView dashboard right from the hit page. I haven't reviewed a returned hit yet, but I have finished a few really bad pay batch type hits and then reviewed those. I feel like I'm actually contributing and like maybe someone who is newish to turking will see it and decide not to go do those $2.00 per hour hits. Even if they do make whatever decision to do the hits anyway, I feel like they have it in their head and will actively look elsewhere for better things, too, instead of despairing over something they think they can't change. TO has its merits, as well, but the lagging site, the nit-picky rules and numerous negative reactions to reviews, and the fact that I always feel like I'm pulled out of the actual Mturk experience makes me rarely go to the posted reviews. TV has a very professional look to it and melds easily into my workflow.