Hi folks.
Just popping in for a minute to better explain why this happened.
I set out to enable authentication for the forum's email server so that they would stop bouncing for certain members/stop showing the not trusted thing when viewing the email.
Obviously, that didn't go to plan. I took down the "backbone" of the forum because of a conflict when creating the security certificates. With it down, I was able to create them and enable authentication for the mail server.
Unfortunately, I couldn't bring said backbone back up. It kept erroring out. I tried reversing every change I made, and still nothing. Admittedly, I was lost and tried to get insight from old server person on what to change. Further, I discovered a different process of doing this that could have prevented the downtime. My incompetence led to the forum being down for the weekend and I'm terribly sorry for it.
With that said, I'm getting ready to take a rather important certification test tomorrow, so I will be here very sporadically.