I wanted to piggie-back off of this because I have a HIT Catcher issue that's really odd... I have one requester (RIT [A26KHZBLR8IL6F]) who I've done a ton of HITs for and have previously successfully created watchers for in the past. Lately, whenever their HITs pop-up on HIT Finder I cannot add a watcher for them. I can accept the HITs directly from MTurk in this case, but I simply cannot add a watcher for them (neither by right-clicking in HIT Finder nor by the Add Watcher button in HIT Finder)
It's almost as if I already have a Watcher made for their HITs, which is why I can't add another, but I 100% don't. Is there a cache file where all of the Watcher info is stored? Is it possible that residual information from a previous Watcher for this requester's HIT is saved there, but the tile for the HIT is simply not visible/displayed in HIT Catcher?