Alright... thoughts time
in the car back home (not driving)
I had a decent time
- A lot of the roster was there
- The Iconics are damn beauiful mm
- A few of the matches were good
- House shows have one big flaw: predictable. You know the Champion is going to retain 99.999999% of the time. There’s been the ultra rare occasion where a title has changed hands at a non televised event, but very rarely.
- The WWE formula of matches. By the 3rd hour tonight I was running on WWE fatigue. Every match has the same storytelling. The rare time I’ve watched on TV the last few yrs - it’s the same. Holy fuck is it stale. Good guy starts hot, struggles in the middle, gets a spurt of momentum before getting it crushed only to eventually come back at the end.
- The match order. I know Kofi is over, but personally I would’ve put Roman/McIntrye on last. Randy Orton should not still be a headliner imo. Maybe upper tier mid card (maybe). His style is as boring as stale bread.
Cons aside - I had a decent time. Royal Rumble is coming here in Jan and I’ll probably go to that. After that - I don’t know. The WWE in ring product is so basic. I know they never go all out at house shows, but it’s the same match style I see on Raw and SDs.
People were literally jogging and walking quickly towards the exits after the main event ended to beat traffic or to escape a 4 hour plus+ house show.
Kofi got on the mic at the end and literally said “I know it’s been a long night and I don’t want to keep you waiting, but I haven’t been to Houston since the Elimination Chamber. This is where Kofi mania started. And I want to thank you”. I actually felt a little bad that he was talking to only 45%ish of the audience left at this point.
This has been Peachy reviews a WWE live event