Easy as pie, piece of cake, not at all a tart to do. Get it if you can. There is some bad press for an earlier HIT. TAKE YOUR TIME, this requester is sensitive about time. Read the pages. Trust me on this. I found this one simple--and if my math skills can do it, you all certainly can. Didn't say if I got a bonus, so that's up in the air...pretty layout, but awfully pink.
Title: Answer 2 short surveys regarding holiday planning and packages and you could win $7 in total! | PANDA
Requester: Emily Taylor [A2I2UP2L58OUX0] (Req TV): $10.24/hr/hr
(TO): [Pay: 2.47] [Fair: 4.07] [Comm: 3.16] [Fast: 3.91]
Description: Two separate surveys (20 mins). Survey: holiday planning ability test. Survey 2: holiday package evaluation. Base pay: $2. Top-3 who solve the holiday planning ability test get $5 extra bonus. Others who solve correctly get $2! Good luck!
Time: 2 hour(s)
HITs Available: 1
Reward: $2.00
Qualifications: Masters Exists ; Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 1000; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 99; Location EqualTo US; |
HIT Time: my time wasn't great, but about the stated amount. But I had to put new batteries in the calculator, so about 26 min all tolled. I can always manage to waste time in a HIT, some how or other.