Title: Fall 2019 Coparenting Across Households | Accept Requester: Families in Transition (FIT) Lab [ANVYDN4VZT4DW] Contact TV: [Hrly=$11.34] [Pay=Fair] [Approval=~24 hrs] [Comm=Unrated] [Rej=0] [Blk=0] TO: [Pay=3.00] [Fast=3.00] [Comm=3.00] [Fair=3.00] [Reviews=2] [ToS=0] TO2: No Reviews Reward: 3.00 Duration: 3:00:00 Available: 0 Description: Please complete this survey about your coparenting relationship with your youngest minor child's other parent. You must be recently divorced, and the child's other parent must live in a different home. The survey will take about 45-60 min Qualifications: Not available from queue exports. |