Title: Answer a short academic survey | Accept Requester: Di Wang [A36F91LGT5XVEW] Contact TV: [Hrly=$17.37] [Pay=Generous] [Approval=1-3 days] [Comm=Unrated] [Rej=0] [Blk=0] TO: [Pay=4.67] [Fast=4.33] [Comm=0.00] [Fair=5.00] [Reviews=7] [ToS=0] TO2: No Reviews Reward: 0.40 Duration: 1:00:00 Available: 0 Description: In this survey, you are going to read a short scenario about a paper cup. Then answer a series of questions to reflect your honest feelings. Time to complete this survey will be less than 5 mins. Qualifications: Not available from queue exports. |