Did anyone here pick up the HIT today (Thursday) that was about Parkinsons Disease. Restricted to us older folk, 65 and older maybe? Anyway, I spent forever on it, failed to do a screen shot of the consent form. It would not submit on their page or on the Mturk page with NOCODE, ID#. I did manage a screen shot of the final page showing that I completed it. Because it is not on my list of completed HITs, I don't have a way to contact researcher. I can't find them still running the experiment, either. It was a $10 HIT that was supposed to take 20 minutes, but took me over an hour because their interface didn't work right. I toughed it out, maybe for nothing. I had to take movies of myself making faces and moving my hands and arms in particular ways. I usually decline videos or even pictures, but for $10 for 20 minutes, I thought I would try it.
So if anyone knows the name of the requester and how to find their contact email, I would greatly appreciate it.. I tried MTS Tracker, but this HIT did not show up in my list.
Thanks much, Moogy