Title: Interaction Styles and Financial Decision-Making Skills - EARN $4 + BONUS FOR COMPLETING ENTIRE 30-MINUTE STUDY! |
Requester: SIR Lab [A3OLKRFXXGPCPZ] [
Description: The purpose of this study The purpose of this study is to learn more about how social interaction styles relate to performance on financial decision-making tasks. The study will involve the following sections: 1) a short "investment task"; 2) an interaction with another MTurk participant in which you will be asked to either write a short letter for the participant to read or read a short letter written by the participant; and 3) a short questionnaire about your experience in the interaction. The study will take about 30 minutes. In order to participate in this research, you must complete the study using a computer (not a phone or tablet). Note that the listed payment of $0.75 is the compensation you will receive if you show up and attempt to participate but are not paired with another MTurk worker. If you complete the ENTIRE study you will earn $4 plus a variable bonus. to learn more about how social interaction styles relate to performance on financial decision-making tasks. The study will involve the following sections: 1) a short "investment task"; 2) an interaction with another MTurk participant in which you will be asked to either write a short letter for the participant to read or read a short letter written by the participant; and 3) a short questionnaire about your experience in the interaction. The study will take about 30 minutes. In order to participate in this research, you must complete the study using a computer (not a phone or tablet). Note that the listed payment of $0.75 is the compensation you will receive if you show up and attempt to participate but are not paired with another MTurk worker. If you complete the ENTIRE study you will earn $4 plus a variable bonus.
Duration: ~60min
Reward: $0.75
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95
- Location EqualTo US
HIT Time: 4 min, 42 sec
Catchability: Very Low
Cons: Partner bailed so no bonus.