Aaand I got rejected on that "Survey on World Views, Values, Beliefs and Self-Esteem" Piper HIT... poo.
3rd rejection in nearly 23,000 HITs... not happy about that.
I sent them a message, asking what went wrong, because the reason was "Dishonesty detected in given data. Responses are invalid.", and I'm pretty sure I didn't lie on the opinion-based research survey... so I assume system error or really, REALLY obscure attention check that confused me and somehow made me respond as if I hadn't read it, which... defeats the purpose of an attention check.
They apparently had a rejection due to a "Survey code is invalid" problem, which was on their end, cause they overturned it, so hopefully that's all it is.
I don't recall lying about my feelings on World Views and Values, but I may have deceived even myself... cause I am THAT good.
We'll see.