I don't know what the history is between you and your neighbor, but life is too short and too precious to waste your time with anyone who makes you feel bad. Just disconnect, block, and move on.
I have a neighbor who has been upset I guess with me since I started feeding these community cats after their caretaker died. That was years ago. She was an old lady and didn't TNR them. I did. There are five left and that's out of about 30. They are tnr'd have shots and are just getting old and will die off soon. People drop cats off in our neighborhood from the country, yeah had people tell me they did this, and there were three on the property next to his that a renter of his was feeding and when she left they found me. The neighbor who lives beside him, an older woman, knows I feed them in her back yard near the street. She's said she was ok with that but he has started pounding me about it. Tonight he told me they killed some birds. Well, I feel bad when they do that but that is what cats do. I can't help that. Usually they leave me rats. I'm ok with that. He was waiting for me and started in when I took the cats' food up to them. When I went back to pick up bowls cause I clean them after each feeding, he had neighbors with him that he was telling his sad tale to. And again he started in on me but I had my phone pressed the video. I told him he had to leave me alone cause he was a F'ing energy vampire and I didn't need that in my life. That made him worse. He got in my face and the phone screen and went through all these gyrations. And said I threatened him. I said well, I'm videoing this. And I didn't threaten him. I just called him a F'ing energy vampire and asked that he leave me alone. All this was in front of witnesses. Also, there is an ordinance that says if we care for community cats we have to keep feeding them.He's an instigator and has upset his renters at times. He tells lies about people and plays them against each other. My friend who used to rent from him said she thinks he has indications of Alzheimer's. But frankly I've had it with him. Okay, that's enough. It's just life and life goes on.