Title: Personality job profile of U.S. men and women(~ 15 minutes) | Accept Requester: Cheryl Kaiser [AY8KJN0I4G171] Contact TV: [Hrly=$17.18] [Pay=Generous] [Approval=~24 hrs] [Comm=Unrated] [Rej=0] [Blk=0] TO: [Pay=3.04] [Fast=4.29] [Comm=3.00] [Fair=4.48] [Reviews=29] [ToS=0] TO2: No Reviews Reward: 0.50 Duration: 30:00 Available: 17 Description: You will review resumes and answer a few questions about the resume and yourself. Qualifications: Exc: [-1168852696-266091] DoesNotExist ; Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 1000; CR Research Group #2 DoesNotExist ; HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95; CR Research Group #1 GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100; Location In US |