@freekshow420 https://turkerview.com/requesters/AXGV36Y8I76HV-conversational-ai#
Here's the reviews. I suppose we could ask people with over 100k hits if they appeared to "like to reject people randomly". I would guess most pro turkers would be fine on working with them, but you'd have to ask. Based on the data,
only people with low/ limited posting experience ever got rejections.
Sarin saying someone is bad =/= "A new member" saying someone rejects randomly
I'm sorry we interpret the data differently-to me, this is a "good" requester with >$25hr rates. But I can see how you could see the rejections and avoid it. Just might be cautious about the "randomly rejecting" label, as sub 50 rejections for hundreds of thousands of hits is really good.
We're going to have to disagree on this, and let
@Blakkat get back to posting hits for us here
wow you just don't stop do you?
ok since you are going to quote reviews..... first three reviews on turkerview: (not counting the first review left by someone who gave a long list of advice to the requester)
Rejected 16 out of 140. Some of them were deserved, not so sure about others.
Requester rejects HITs for the most ridiculous reasons. I'm done doing any HITs for them.
I reached out to them the last time they rejected HITs & they do not reply!
They will reject a bunch of hits for arbitrary reasons. I think they reject a certain percentage no matter what. They rejected in my case for a reason not listed ANYWHERE in the instructions, My advice is avoid these at all costs. It seems like a quick and easy batch, which it is, but there is a good chance they will randomly reject a portion of your hits.
Edit: (actually i will insert the advice from the first reviewer on the turkerview page for the requester)
Advice to Requester
I don't think anyone from your account or research team will ever check this, but in case you do:
Up the approval rating if you want better data.
Consider a qual task.
Weed out bad workers.
Stop driving away good workers through sometimes seemingly random rejections. Manually review them, at least.
*Communicate with us. We can save you a lot of money and help you get a much higher quality of data.*
And there's probably a lot more advice to be given that I can't think of. Hope at some point you get in touch with some workers or figure out how to make your hits great again. The batch I just worked on is indicative of the cycle I mentioned above. You are driving away better workers and just looking through your hits, it is easy to see that the quality of the dialogues is going down drastically because of it.
again. learn to read. i stated that they do so on other hits at least..... i never once said anything about the batch hit you posted other then to be careful with this requester... Simply stating "do at your own risk"
You get offended to easily, take a chill pill, smoke some weed , drink some alcohol, meditate. play patty cake IDK , do something other then get mad at me for warning people