I'll bite on the Conversational AI ones, since I emailed them and received a reply in May for clarification.
Email from this specific type of hit:
Thank you for reaching out
If you receive a set of the same questions the same way each time, you can can copy and paste previous answers.
Our researchers are interested in the flow of the conversation,
NOT in your different phrasings of the same conversation. You can ask the same question the same way each time, for the same scenario with different locations.
Follow the given scenario, and submit your query AFTER the location name has occurred in the conversation.
We estimate that each hit should take no longer than 30 seconds maximum, and strive to approve every hit.
You may do as many of these as you like.
Thanks for your help with our research!
Mina "
Definitely contact them if you have any questions:
You can touch the mail icon at the top in Turkerview to mail them (will produce error in mturk, but will send it)
For the people confused-You only have to do 1, not one for every line.
It's an
insert an utterance-i.e how would you ask the AI /where to put the text, and how would you say it.
They can be done as quickly as you can read the scenario, e.g. "I need to know if the bed and breakfast will check in my bags"?
You then type " Will they check in my bags here?", etc, then submit.
The scenarios repeat, and can reuse the auto-filled question "Can you accept my bags here?"
Once you have all the options auto-filled, it's insanely fast. Read scenario, mouseover the section, choose phrase, submit, under 10 secs.
Why yes thank you, I do like $30/hr things to fill my slow afternoons