Title: Modern Innovation Chat Group | PANDA
Requester: Dolores Albarracin [A1GQYPPMMYSQUI]
TurkerView: [ $8.91 / hour ]
Description: 20 mins discussion. We hope to collect people’s views toward the latest technological products. You may not use smart phone to join the discussion.
Duration: 120 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $2.00
Requester: Dolores Albarracin [A1GQYPPMMYSQUI]
TurkerView: [ $8.91 / hour ]
Description: 20 mins discussion. We hope to collect people’s views toward the latest technological products. You may not use smart phone to join the discussion.
Duration: 120 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $2.00
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThan 95
- Total approved HITs GreaterThan 50
- Q1chip_already DoesNotExist