I read that as they would block you from future hits rather than rejecting this one for too many incorrect guesses. I'm half asleep though so its entirely possible I read that wrong and now I'm sweating cause I definitely got most of them wrong.
you read correctly lol. specifically it said this
Exclusion Criteria
Please note that we do check your data for accuracy.
If you respond randomly, or have too many misses, we have the right to exclude you from all future HITs by our group.
We appreciate you taking the time to complete the task to the best of your ability.
When you are ready to start the experiment, click 'Next '
I wrote them asking about that very thing considering your making estimates and therefore guessing and it seemed like a strange rejection warning based off the nature of the hit.
they replied
"I do understand that some people may consistently over- or underestimate, which is totally normal and expected. This behavior is taken into account and normalized across participants. Responding randomly in a way that would mean rejection of a HIT would be to respond with outlandish, extremely high or low numbers consistently; essentially, any participant whose answers very clearly show that they were guessing numbers not even remotely in the ballpark.
Rest assured, if you are attempting to estimate correctly, you most likely would not get excluded. To be clear, after many HITs of this nature, no participants has yet to meet the exclusion criteria.
Hope that helps,
Taylor "