Title: Daily Experiences(~ 10 minutes) | PANDA
Requester: Ashley Whillans [AVIRSTWM4Q90X]
TurkerView: [ $15.96 / hour ]
Description: In this research study, you will be asked to read and reflect on hypothetical scenarios. We will ask you to think about how you spend your time, reflect on your personal experiences and provide basic demographic information.
Duration: 1,440 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $1.50
Requester: Ashley Whillans [AVIRSTWM4Q90X]
TurkerView: [ $15.96 / hour ]
Description: In this research study, you will be asked to read and reflect on hypothetical scenarios. We will ask you to think about how you spend your time, reflect on your personal experiences and provide basic demographic information.
Duration: 1,440 Min
Available: 1
Reward: $1.50
- Total approved HITs GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- Exc: [373603-373014] DoesNotExist
- HIT approval rate (%) GreaterThanOrEqualTo 95
- CR Research Group #1 GreaterThanOrEqualTo 100
- Location In US