I'm sure a lot of it is that. All of our kids are over 21, so I miss out on a lot a parenting surveys - they're looking for kids under 18, sometimes a specific age group. Both of us still work, in a long term relationship, live together, so that helps some. I supervise 6 people at my job, so a bunch of jobs today asked about managing employees. Our income also skews way high thx to my gf being an anesthesiologist and a med school professor, so I'm sure I get a lot of studies due to high HH income when all the slots below are already filled up. Proific does a lot better job of screening your demos to your profile - there are so many times I'm dq'ed from mturk b/c they're looking for college students, under 40, mothers, etc.
Have you checked your prolific about me page? Whenever it gets slow, I fill all those out. Bang - more hits pop hit. Answer those questions - that's what the latest requesters are looking for