Play games! You need to reward yourself.
I know I should!
I always feel like I'll miss some rare $20 HIT or something though. I don't WANT to work... but then I'm like "Eh money isn't so bad either".
I know I'm going to regret not playing as many games as I could have though once class starts again this Fall...
UGH, thats bullshit people do stuff like that
that's exactly how i feel when i take off to play video games for awhile >.<
It's an awful feeling.
Here, I have all this free time over the summer and I'm over here looking at A9 tit pics getting paid 2 cents each instead of playing my backlog of games. ;~; Everytime I start to play anything, a new HIT pops up and pulls me back in lol. It's as though I'm addicted... to mturk.