05/31 - The Sweet Taste of Boba Tuesday!

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Deleted member 481

Title: Psychology: Search task 105 | PANDA
Requester: Jeff Moher [A3M7LP1SU5VP37] (TO)
TO Ratings:
★★★★★ 0.00 Communicativity
★★★★ 4.00 Generosity
★★★★★ 5.00 Fairness
★★★★★ 5.00 Promptness
Number of Reviews: 5 | TOS Flags: 0
Submit a new TO review
Description: Find the target on each trial
Time: 60 minutes
HITs Available: 1
Reward: $2.00
Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95;Location is US

Deleted member 481

Title: [<1 minute screening] 3 quick self-ratings, screening for future research (~ 1 minutes) | PANDA
Requester: SocialCognitionResearchCologne [A3S0F56AR2HR2U] (TO)
TO Ratings:
★★★★ 4.15 Communicativity
★★★★ 4.10 Generosity
★★★★ 4.33 Fairness
★★★★ 4.42 Promptness
Number of Reviews: 132 | TOS Flags: 23
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Description: You will be asked to answer 3 questions about yourself. This is a screening for future research.
Time: 60 minutes
HITs Available: 1
Reward: $0.10
Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 100;Exc: [13330-13311] has not been granted;HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 96;Location is one of: US

Deleted member 481

Title: 3-min survey about TV + opportunity for future surveys | PANDA
Requester: Consumer Survey Research [A3GL1U6O4WVL8] (TO)
TO Ratings:
★★★★ 4.71 Communicativity
★★★★ 4.21 Generosity
★★★★ 4.99 Fairness
★★★★ 4.86 Promptness
Number of Reviews: 156 | TOS Flags: 1
Submit a new TO review
Description: Survey about entertainment choices (approx. 3 minutes)
Time: 60 minutes
HITs Available: 1
Reward: $0.30
Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 100;HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95;Location is US;20160531 YTW Test has not been granted
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Reactions: Goose
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